
Javad Al-Aemeh

Charitable and cultural institution

A Message from Mr. Sefid Praise be to Allah, who has adorned man with the ornament of knowledge and wisdom, and has bestowed His infinite mercy upon him. Hazrat Javad Al-Aemeh (AS) Cultural Charity Institution is a foundation that understands the religious, educational, cultural, and social needs, necessities, and gaps, as well as the benevolent intentions and good cause. It is inspired by Islamic teachings and uses human experience and scientific achievements and organizes and benefits from committed, specialized, and unified forces for nurturing and educating individuals. The institution relies on children, adolescents, and young people, and carries out special, cultural, charitable, and social activities. With the blessings endowed upon us by Allah, the Almighty, and the prudent efforts, and public contributions, we sincerely hope to become a top provincial educational, cultural, and social institution, and prominently active both nationally and internationally. Here it is! A portal for the friends and followers of Hazrat Javad Al-Aemeh (AS) Cultural Charity Institution! Ghulam Ali Sefid Chairman of the Board and CEO Hazrat Javad Al-Aemeh (AS) Cultural Charity Institution
Mr Sefid
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The breath in a cage festival was opened today with the aim of freeing the prisoners of non_intentional crimes. The secondary school for girls of the second period of Hazrat Javad_Al_Aemeh(p.b.u.h) along with the managing director of the institution and the officials of the complex hosted the deputies of the general directors of education and atonement headquarters of  Yazd province. Due to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the institution Gholam Ali Sefid reviewed the memories of the past. At the beginning of her speech and then mentioned the educational and cultural approaches of the complex. He also called the participation of the students in cultural programs on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the institution effective in line with the goals of the institution. Azimi, the representative director of Dieh headquarters in Yazd province, went on to report on the performance of this headquarters in the first 5 months of this year and said: Since the beginning of this year, 66 prisoners of non-intentional crimes have been released from prisons in the province and returned to their families. The number of those released were 42 clients related to financial convictions, 13 clients sentenced to pay dowry, 10 clients sentenced to alimony and one sentenced to pay labor accident compensation. The fifth charity festival with the participation of students will be held from january 17th to january 25th at the high school and will be open to the public.
The presence of the former minister of education at the cultural charity institution of Hazrat Javad_Al_Aemeh (p.b.u.h) According to the public relations Unit of the cultural charity institute of Hazrat Javad_Al_Aemeh(p.b.u.h) Ali Asghar Fani traveled to Yazd and he attend in the office of GholamAli Sefid, the managing director of the institute in the presence of managers and deputies of the educational complex and officials in the morning wednsday december 28th. He spoke at the educational complex as a professor of management knowledge , about strategic plans and goal setting. Also in this meeting , a basic definition of how to change and evolve in the organization was presented to the officials. Ali Asghar Fani, the general manager, has several secondary education courses in her portfolio He was the vice_chancellor of education department of education region 16, on march 21, 1980. Head of education department of region 16 since march 21st, 1981. Director general of education of Kurdistan in 1985. Deputy education minister of the ministry of education in 1988 to 1992, cultural deputy of foundations in 1985 to 1989. Deputy and vice president of Tarbiat Modares university of human science in 1996 to 1997. Deputy minister of education and human resources in 1992 to 1996. Deputy minister of martyr program in 1997 to 1998. Deputy education minister of the ministry of education in the year of secondary education from 2000 to 2004. The head of the ministry of education from  2000 to 2004. The deputy secondary education of the ministary of education from september to november 2004. Head of the secratriat of the education and training council and assistant professor of Tarbiat Modares university.
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